Carer's Week - Merri's Story

Hi I’m Merri, I’m ten years old and I live in Stonehouse with my mum, my dog Spot and five ducks!

My mum has epilepsy. I look after my mum when she has a fit and try to make sure she is okay. When my mum has a fit I make sure she is not too cold and get her a blanket if she needs it. I always get her a pillow to make sure she is comfy. When she does have a fit I put on a timer to make sure she isn’t out for too long and then call my grandparents for help if she is. When my mum does have a fit I have to stay calm and try my best not to get freaked out. A lot of time mum wakes up just before the timer goes off but if it doesn’t I have to go get our friend who lives close and call an ambulance. You never know when it could happen.

I have been a young carer for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was little. My mum has always suffered with Epilepsy so I have learnt what to do since I was really young. I started Gloucestershire Young Carers when I was 8.

I’ve done lots with Gloucestershire Young Carers! I have been to some events like the boating one, where I even got to drive the boat! I have been on a tour of an ice cream factory, I’ve done laser tag and loads more! But my favorite part about Gloucestershire Young Carers is seeing all my friends and making new ones. I just love having a good time and eating lots of pizza. It’s also one of the only places I feel comfortable to do new things. I struggle to do some things normally but can do it at Gloucestershire Young Carers.  

In my spare time I love to do martial arts. I do martial arts once a week. It’s mixed martial arts so get to do lots of different types. I also love to read and write. I try to do as much as I can at home but do most of it at school or sometimes at a weekend.

My favourite things about living in Stroud are the Penny Farthing Café and going for walks down by the canal. The Café has the best bacon butties and milkshakes. I absolutely love going there. I also love going for walks down by the canal and seeing all the ducks and swans. They’re so cute and there are always lots about. I also like walking over the Old Common near bussage. I just like be outdoors and seeing animals which is good when you live in the countryside. I absolutely love walking through the bluebell woods near Stanley Downton. Its so pretty when the flowers are out and you get to see lot of deer there! They’re amazing.

I think a lot of people at school don’t think that caring is that hard and the “they bet they could do it” but they don’t understand how hard it is. Especially with my mums epilepsy, I have to make sure she is okay all the time and make sure that people don’t get freaked out when anything happens. I can go into the garden or upstairs and come back and find her passed out and I don’t know how long it could last for. It worries me sometimes but I know what to do and I just have to stay calm and get on with it. I’m pretty good but sometimes I worry and get a bit shakey. It’s hard.

June 11, 2024

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