Harley on Volunteers Week

It's Volunteers Week! A time to recognise and thank volunteers for their contributions to communities, charities, and organisations across the country. The week aims to raise awareness of the benefits of volunteering, encourage more people to get involved, and highlight the diverse roles that volunteers play in society. As Volunteers Week unfolds, we are excited to highlight one of our volunteers, Harley. His journey with GYC demonstrates the significant impact volunteers can have on our community.

Harley began his volunteering journey with a strong desire to make a difference. After considering various charities, Gloucestershire Young Carers stood out to him due to the diverse activities we offer and the clear, positive impact we have on Young Carers' lives. For Harley, the connection to GYC was personal. As a former Young Carer himself, he had fond memories of the support and community he experienced, and seeing GYC continue to provide this support made his decision to volunteer with us straightforward. He says,

"I would entirely recommend it, it has been one of the best things I have done recently. I was not confident if it was for me before applying but I can confidently say I am very happy I did!"

We are incredibly grateful for Harley and all our volunteers who make our work possible. Their dedication is the heart of GYC. As we celebrate Volunteers Week, we extend our thanks to Harley and every volunteer who contributes to our mission. Your efforts make a world of difference.

June 3, 2024

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