The Mosquito Mission welcome the Nelson Trust to GYC

On Tuesday 28th January, we welcomed staff from the Nelson Trust to our office to hear from the Mosquito Mission, a group of young carers who have lived experience of caring for a parent with mental ill-health or substance misuse. It was also an opportunity for GYC staff to talk about our service and how we support young carers in the county and enabled our GYC colleagues to have the chance to hear about the support the Nelson Trust offer to families.

Youth Participation Lead, Scott Bailey-Locke shared, "It was fantastic to be joined by colleagues from Nelson Trust join us for to share information between our organisations and work together to further develop the support we provide the families we work with. The stories told by the young people highlighted the challenges they face on a daily basis and how professionals can work effectively with them and their families. Their voices always have a lasting impact and really hit home to staff their needs and how other young people in similar situations continue to fall through the net. I am sure after this event both organisations will have these young people at the forefront of their minds and we hope this will lead to further young people identified and supported."

Following the presentations we came together in group to workshop some questions to help understand the barriers to young people and families accessing support or being identified as young carers. We also looked at what would help to combat these barriers, for example resources and awareness raising with staff. We hope that we can further develop working connections between our organisations that will enable some ‘hidden’ young carers to be identified, get the support they need and find connection with others who have similar experiences.

February 4, 2025

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