Young Carers Turn Experiences into Powerful Stories thanks to the Everyman Theatre

On Monday 17th February, young carers from the 'Our Voice' forum took part in a creative workshop with the Everyman Theatre. They were working towards co-creating an illustrated film to raise awareness for Young Carers Action Day. The young people got stuck into all the activities of the day which included movement, drama, storytelling, watercolour painting and making zines! They were amazing at sharing their experiences to help local artist Emma Evans to understand the complexities, challenges, and joys of being a young carer, so she can help represent their stories and voices in the film.  

We are grateful to be working in partnership with Everyman as we understand how important it is for young people to have opportunities to express themselves through the creative arts. It was interesting to see how much using these creative techniques helped the young carers open up about their lives and experiences. The day was full of laughter, sharing and connection and we are really excited to see the finished film - which will be shared as part of our campaign for Young Carers Action Day on the 12th March. Thanks to Jess Price, Head of Education and Community at Everyman for planning and co-delivering such a fantastic workshop. 

March 5, 2025

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