Caring in Harmony

Young volunteer Mary Dyer organised a music workshop for young carers which ended with a concert for families and supporters.The event, which comprised some favourite Christmas songs, was a resounding success. 23 young carers took part in the afternoon's workshop at Ribston Hall High School and around 11 young volunteers (and Dave Kell) from schools across the county helped put the concert together.Their work was rewarded by 50 people attending including Rotary of Gloucester who helped fund the event and the Mayor of Gloucester Joanne Brown and her consort David who gave the young people a standing ovation.Mary worked for several months to secure funding and the donation of Ribston Hall High School for the event as well as food from Midcounties Co-op and folders from Kohler Co.Music was specially written for the event by student Ellie Scrivens.[gallery link="file" ids="|,|,|,|,|,|,|,|,|"]

January 4, 2019

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