Freemasons celebrate support for GYC

It was a pleasure to be able to attend, in person, a community charity celebration event at the Grand Lodge of the Gloucestershire Freemasons in Stroud recently. Our Fundraising Manager Sally joined with representatives from good causes across the county to celebrate the incredible support of the Freemasons for charities this year.  With each charity given chance to share the difference the Masonic Charity Foundation has made to their work, it was an uplifting and inspiring event with many incredible Covid journeys being shared including our own.  We received £12000 in April from the Foundation to help fund young carer respite groups for 2021/2022. One of the main benefits of the groups is the support available from other young carers who understand their situation as well as from the staff and volunteers.   Many young carers have told GYC that this peer support has helped them through difficult challenges and developed into lasting friendships with many of the older young carers still in touch now. Tim Henderson-Ross, Provincial Grand Master for Gloucestershire, said: ‘Our care for our children is a sacred trust but when necessity reverses that relationship and the children look after the parents they deserve all the support we can give them.’

October 27, 2021

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