Young Carers Action Day on the 16th March saw Gloucestershire Young Carers reaching out to demand action for young carers in the county and beyond and even though it was all held virtually this year the impact was huge!
Some of the highlights from the day included:
You can still do your bit for young carers in 2021 by signing and sharing this petition that was developed by Young Carers National Voice, a forum including young carers from Gloucestershire that works together to make positive change.
The petition is calling on Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education, to make it law for schools to support young carers.
Gloucestershire is lucky to have well established Young Carers School Leads in all of it secondary schools, thanks to the work of GYC and support from the local authority. However in many parts of the country this is not the case and many young carers go unsupported and unrecognised in schools.
The petition is nearly at 1000 signatures in just a few weeks since it was launched young carers have asked ‘everyone who cares about our futures’ to sign the petition.
April 1, 2021