With nerves kicking in and doubts about the weather forecast 8 brave colleagues from Midcounties Co-op got up super early and drove to Old Sarum airfield in Salisbury on Sunday 27June ready to take to the skies for their 10,000 ft tandem skydives for GYC as the Forest of Dean Region chosen charity. Team members from 3 different Forest stores Coleford, Lydney and Drybrook had been fundraising for months and raised a whopping xxxx for us through huge efforts in lots of ways including dress up days, cake sales and a head shave! The amazing 8 were incredible and the energy was fantastic as they celebrated their bravery and all that they had achieved. We can’t thank them enough for taking part in our exciting first ever GYC skydive day – huge well done to the team and THANK YOU! If you would like to take on a skydive challenge for us and feel incredible there are still places available for our September skydive insert link.
June 25, 2021