We are looking forward to two enjoyable concerts beingorganised independently to raise funds for Gloucestershire Young Carers in thecoming few weeks.
You can purchase tickets to either of these events and restassured that the charity will benefit and invest the funds in direct work withyoung carers.
The first event is the Gloucestershire Music and Rotary Clubof Tewkesbury Charity Concert in aid of our charity. The event will be held onSaturday March 21st from 7.30pm at Tewkesbury Abbey. The programmewill include music by Dvorak, Wagner, Barber, Holst, Greig and John Williamsand will be performed by the Gloucestershire Youth Orchestra, GloucestershireYouth Choir and Gloucestershire Intermediate String Ensemble.
Tickets cost £10 & £5 for under 16’s and are availablefrom jane@glosyoungcarers.org.ukor from the Tewkesbury Abbey Shop on 01684 856148.
The second event is being run by the Gloucestershire SymphonyOrchestra at St Barnabas Church, Gloucester on Saturday 28th Marchfrom 7.30pm. A retiring collection will be held in aid of the Mayor ofGloucester’s Charity Gloucestershire Young Carers.
Music will include Wagner, Richard Strauss and Cesar Franckand the soloist will be Laura Morris.
Tickets are £12 on the door or via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-concert-tickets-92488396283?aff=ebdssbdestsearch. Under 18’s free.
March 10, 2020