Volunteer Spotlight - Judy and Paul

"I was aware of young carers from the outset as I was working for social care and very aware of their issues.

After a couple of years I was approached by one of the trustees with a view to becoming a member of GYC's management committee and was on the committee for several years during which time I saw an amazing organisation grow and expand to encompass so many different strands.

The staff are all extremely passionate about their work and in raising awareness of the issues facing these young people and I never cease to be surprised by the young people I have met. They are very willing to speak about their issues and encourage their peers to do the same. Although life can be very tough for them they accept it and recognise that they are needed to support the family but enabled to have a life of their own at the same time.

When on the committee, my role was to encourage participation from young people into decision making, attending their Forum meetings, taking ideas back to the committee and encouraging them to send reps to the meetings.

I retired from the committee but am still volunteering. I attend events if there is a GYC stall, in order to raise awareness, I will also drive young people to events if need be although I do not have a regular commitment to do so.

Volunteering makes me feel proud to be part of this unique organisation which has benefitted so many families and has such a specialist knowledge of their needs.

I would urge anyone who is thinking of volunteering with GYC to do so, they will not regret it!"


"I was, of course, aware of the organisation through Judy's work on the committee and followed with interest it's development and growth from its inception to the present day. 

Up until my retirement, much of my work had been involved with young people, particularly in terms of the outcomes of those in the care of the Local Authority.

I have, for the last couple of years, covid period excepted, been driving young carers to and from a youth club evening in Stroud and sometimes to and from other events. It has been a pleasure and a privilege chatting to these exceptional young people on our weekly journeys and long may it continue!"


August 2, 2021

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