Around 700,000 young people in the UK step out of their comfort zone every day of their lives, taking on adult-sized caring responsibilities for a family member. Gloucestershire Young Carers and Hartpury College are challenging brave volunteers to step out of their own comfort zones in We Dare, We Care. the Touch Challenge.Tasting Terrible Treats. Handling the Horrors of their nightmares. Could YOU overcome your worst fears, brave the best that Hartpury’s Animal Handlers can bring you or would you head to the Cotswold Hills screaming?We're launching We Care, We Dare 2019, looking for teams to be sponsored by friends and family to take on jungle-style challenges.The charity, that supports more than 1000 young carers in the county is hoping We Care, We Dare will become an annual challenge event attracting supporters from local businesses to brave the fear-inducing challenges and pit their wits against young carers.Last year saw a Young Carers Team, a team from Hartpury College including Principal Russell Marchant and a team of local business people enter the launch event.Grace Watkins of Hartpury College says: “It’s great for us to get involved with hosting this event. It gives our Animal Management students great exposure to the kinds of events they might take part in when they’re out in the industry. It will be the students introducing the animals to the contestants, scoring their achievements and generally running the event.“Our Animal Management department offers courses for students when they have finished their GCSEs. They learn how to care and handle a broad range of animals from scorpions to meerkats to emus. It’s important they can do this in any situation and when they are taken out of their comfort zone. This event is a perfect opportunity to get the students thinking a little more independently.”Jane Dyer, Fundraising Manager at Gloucestershire Young Carers, says: “We know that many young carers have to find the courage to face some truly stressful experiences, supporting family members through complicated illnesses, mental ill health or the challenges of disabilities. They are inspiring. We can’t give people a taste of their lives but we can ask them to push themselves to the limits of their comfort zones in order to raise awareness and raise funds to support our charity’s work with these young people.”As Neale Donald Walsch said: ‘Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone’.
December 12, 2018