We are pleased to announce that we have successfully recruited for the key role of Development Manager (Fundraising, Marketing and Communications). It was a new challenge to run our whole recruitment process remotely. We conducted two-stage interviews by Zoom, with our initial recruitment panel including a young adult carer, and the second including members of the staff team. It’s a sign of the times that we have happily offered a job to someone we have never actually met!
Congratulations to Sally Gillespie, who will be joining the team later in August. Sally has been working with the Star College as fundraiser, and formally at Winston’s Wish. She has a sound knowledge and solid experience of fundraising, voluntary sector know-how and is keen to put her skills towards generating the income we need to continue to work to identify and support young carers. Sally’s role sits within the Gloucestershire Young Carers Leadership Team and so she will also be involved in strategic decision making for the charity.
August 6, 2020